Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sandy Amphitheater Sponsorship Luncheon

In April- I was invited to do table centerpiece's. I was given a lot of free reign when it came to a 'theme' for them. And since their summer's catch phrase was "Amph Up Your Summer" I ran with that!

Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime? :)

Sandy City Front Desk

So I've worked for the City of Sandy for a couple of years now. Last October- we started decorating our front desk for Halloween and I guess a bug bit. We've decorated for every holiday/month since then. It's been so much fun to come up with different designs each month---and it gives an excuse to feed my Hobby Lobby addiction. And it feeds my need to decorate and design. The employee's and citizen's have come to expect and appreciate it. I wish that I had taken the time to take pictures from October to now but it's only been a recent thing that I've decided to try doing this as a hobby/job. So I reckon it'll work with what I've got for now. Mother's Day - Memorial Day - Father's Day - Independence Day